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pandas:从一个 csv 读取多个数据帧

[英]pandas: read multiple dataframes from one csv

I have a csv file that looks like this:我有一个 csv 文件,如下所示:

col A, col B
1, 5
17, 15

How to transform it into set of dataframes, one for each area between ######### lines (I can change the marker if needed)?如何将其转换为一组数据框,######### 行之间的每个区域一个(如果需要,我可以更改标记)?

The result should be something like this:结果应该是这样的:

df1 = {col A :{1,2,78}, col B: {5,7,65}}
df2 = {col A: {5,15}, col B: {8,23}}
df3 = {col A: {17,25,12,95}, col B: {15,62,15,56}}

I know there is a workaround using file.readlines(), but it is "not very elegant" - I wonder if there is a pandas way to do it directly.我知道有一个使用 file.readlines() 的解决方法,但它“不是很优雅”——我想知道是否有 pandas 方法可以直接做到这一点。

Highly inspired by piRSquared's answer here , you can approach your goal like this:受到 piRSquared在这里的回答的高度启发,您可以这样实现您的目标:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv("/input_file.csv")

# is the row a horizontal delimiter ?
m = df["col A"].str.contains("#", na=False)

l_df = list(filter(lambda d: not d.empty, np.split(df, np.flatnonzero(m) + 1)))

_ = [exec(f"globals()['df{idx}'] = df.loc[~m]") for idx, df in enumerate(l_df, start=1)]
#if you need a dictionnary (instead of a dataframe), you can use df.loc[~m].to_dict("list")

NB: We used globals to create the variables/sub-dataframes dynamically.注意:我们使用globals变量动态创建变量/子数据帧。

# Output: #Output:
print(df1, type(df1)), print(df2, type(df2)), print(df3, type(df3))

  col A   col B
0     1     5.0
1     2     7.0
2    78    65.0 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

  col A   col B
4     5     8.0
5    15    23.0 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

   col A   col B
7     17    15.0
8     25    62.0
9     12    15.0
10    95    56.0 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

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