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flutter - 如何访问 map 字符串条目密钥

[英]flutter - how to access map string entries key

i am using getx localization.我正在使用 getx 本地化。 And my app has a list view inside Text widget.我的应用程序在文本小部件中有一个列表视图。

I try to write in Text widget every language 'name_1' value.我尝试在文本小部件中编写每种语言的“name_1”值。 But i can not access them.但我无法访问它们。

My translation map below:我的翻译map如下:

  Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
    'tr_TR': {
      'name_1': 'Dünya',
      'short_desc_1': 'Dünyadan',
    'en_US': {
      'name_1': 'world',
      'short_desc_1': 'from world'
    'de_DE': {
      'name_1': 'world',
      'short_desc_1': 'from world'
    'fr_FR': {
      'name_1': 'world',
      'short_desc_1': 'from world'}

I get value below我得到以下价值

TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + '2']!.tr

But i need to get this with index value.但我需要用索引值来获取它。

TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + index.tostring()]!.tr

If i write index instead of '2' i am getting error.如果我写索引而不是'2',我会收到错误。

_CastError (Null check operator used on a null value) _CastError(用于 null 值的空检查运算符)


TranslateStrings().keys[locale]!['name_' + '${index + 1}']!.tr

here some magic trick for you这里有一些魔术给你

    (k, v) {
      print(k); //k for keys like  'tr_TR'
      print(v); //v for the map after the key then access the inner value with v['name_1']

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