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在 wordpress 上添加翻译页面时丢失页面样式

[英]Loosing page style when adding translated page on wordpress

i am new with Wordpress and i am trying to update an existing website.我是 Wordpress 的新用户,我正在尝试更新现有网站。

I have an English Front page (Uvodna stran) that looks like this:我有一个英文首页 (Uvodna stran),如下所示:


When i click on "+" to add the German translation the new page is correctly created and the new language "DE" appears in the main front page with the other languages.当我单击“+”添加德语翻译时,新页面已正确创建,新语言“DE”与其他语言一起出现在首页中。



The problem though is that the setting of the main front page (the one in english) is not passed over and the new DE page looks like this:但问题是主页(英文)的设置没有被传递,新的 DE 页面如下所示:


So i am wondering what am i doing wrong?所以我想知道我做错了什么? How can i keep the same setting and get the page translated?我怎样才能保持相同的设置并翻译页面?

This might be a cache issue with Elementor.这可能是 Elementor 的缓存问题。

Within your WordPress dashboard, go to Elementor > Tools > General and click on the button "Regenerate Files & Data".在您的 WordPress 仪表板中,go 到 Elementor > 工具 > 常规,然后单击“重新生成文件和数据”按钮。 Then press on the "Save Changes" button.然后按“保存更改”按钮。

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