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从 Python 中的大型字典中获取前 3 个最高值的快速有效方法是什么?

[英]What would be a quick and effective way to get top 3 highest values from a large dictionary in Python?

I've been trying for several hours to go through a dictionary and get three highest-value keys to be presented in the output.我已经尝试了几个小时,通过字典找到 go,并获得了三个最高值的键,以显示在 output 中。

So here's an example dictionary:所以这是一个示例字典:

dict1 = {
    "a": 5,
    "b": 1,
    "c": 20,
    "d": 15,
    "e": 100,
    "f": 75

And I want to parse out the three highest values and present them something like this:我想解析出三个最高值并像这样呈现它们:

'e' has a value of 100
'f' has a value of 75
'c' has a value of 20

So it should be key-value pairs, not just the values.所以它应该是键值对,而不仅仅是值。

I tried something like this but it didn't seem convenient at all.我试过这样的东西,但它似乎一点也不方便。

v = list(dict1.values())
k = list(dict1.keys())

print(f"{k[v.index(max(v))]} has a value of {max(v)}.")

# and so forth. not to mention this is only the one highest value, I need three

I'm sure there's a really simple way right under my nose.我敢肯定,就在我眼皮底下有一种非常简单的方法。 Thank you.谢谢你。

The standard library Counter class can make short work of what you are trying to do:标准库Counter class 可以简化您要执行的操作:

from collections import Counter

dict1 = {
    "a": 5,
    "b": 1,
    "c": 20,
    "d": 15,
    "e": 100,
    "f": 75

for k, v in Counter(dict1).most_common(3):
    print(f"{k} has a value of {v}")

Output: Output:

e has a value of 100
f has a value of 75
c has a value of 20

Try to sort the dictionary items and print first 3 items:尝试对字典项目进行排序并打印前 3 个项目:

dict1 = {"a": 5, "b": 1, "c": 20, "d": 15, "e": 100, "f": 75}

for k, v in sorted(dict1.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)[:3]:
    print(f"'{k}' has a value of {v}")


'e' has a value of 100
'f' has a value of 75
'c' has a value of 20

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