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在 pygame 中做陷阱的有效方法是什么?

[英]What would be an effective way to do traps in pygame?

Been working on a game inspired from a game called 'I wanna be the guy', and I've moved onto traps.一直在开发一款灵感来自一款名为“我想成为那个人”的游戏,我已经转向了陷阱。 The problem is I've been stuck on how to activate them and make them shoot up and kill the player.问题是我一直在思考如何激活它们并使它们射击并杀死玩家。

Here's what I have been working with:这是我一直在使用的:

#parent class
class Sprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, img, x, y):
        self.image = img
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.initial_x = x
        self.initial_y = y

    def reset(self):
        self.rect.x = self.initial_x
        self.rect.y = self.initial_y

#child class inheriting from Sprite
class autoHazard(Sprite):
    def set(self, x_speed, y_speed):
        self.counter = 0
        if self.counter == 1:
            self.rect.x += x_speed
            self.rect.y += y_speed

        hit = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, play)
        if hit:
    def triggered(self):
        if play.rect.x >= self.rect.x - 76:
            self.counter = 1

#main file
... code
#outside main program loop
Trap = autoHazard(img.lul_img, 1000, con.height - 100)

Trap2 = autoHazard(img.lul_img, 800, con.height - 100)
... code

#inside main program loop
... code
... code

What instead happens is that it will move up, but it is restricted by the if statement in autoHazard , which will make it only move when player position x is greater than the trap's x position.相反,它会向上移动,但它受到autoHazard的 if 语句的autoHazard ,这将使它仅在玩家位置x大于陷阱的x位置时移动。 What I want is for the trap to shoot up and not get deactivated if the if statement condition is not met.我想要的是如果不满足 if 语句条件,则陷阱会弹出并且不会被停用。

What I want is for the trap to shoot up and not get deactivated我想要的是让陷阱弹起来而不被停用

The issue is, that self.counter is set 0 every time when autoHazard.set is called.问题是,每次调用autoHazard.set时, self.counter都会设置为 0。 If you want to make this state persistent then you have to remove self.counter = 0 form autoHazard.set .如果你想使这个状态持续,那么你必须删除self.counter = 0形式autoHazard.set Initialize self.counter = 0 in the constructor:在构造函数中初始化self.counter = 0

class autoHazard(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, img, x, y):

        # [...]

        self.counter = 0

    def set(self, x_speed, y_speed):

        if self.counter == 0:
        if self.counter == 1:
            self.rect.x += x_speed
            self.rect.y += y_speed

        hit = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, play)
        if hit:

    def triggered(self):
        if play.rect.x >= self.rect.x - 76:
            self.counter = 1


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