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电力自动化与 DocuSign 的集成

[英]Integration of Power automation with DocuSign

I want to integrate DocuSign with Power Automate.我想将 DocuSign 与 Power Automate 集成。 There are 2 things that needs to achieved in this integration在此集成中需要实现两件事

  1. achieve completed documents to share point site ( which is completed )实现文件完成分享点网站(即完成)
  2. if the flow fails due to any other factors, it should retrigger after 5sec, 10sec, 15 sec automatically.如果由于任何其他因素导致流程失败,它应该在 5 秒、10 秒、15 秒后自动重新触发。
  3. And if the flow fails after these 3 attempts then it should mail the concerned team如果在这 3 次尝试后流程失败,那么它应该向相关团队发送邮件

Basically I designed a flow which is archiving Documents to a share point site.基本上我设计了一个将文档归档到共享点站点的流程。 I am unable to add rest of the conditions.我无法添加 rest 的条件。

My flow starts from When the envelope status changes -> Get envelope Documents -> Create a file in Sharepoint site (Try Block)我的流程从当信封状态改变时开始 -> 获取信封文件 -> 在 Sharepoint 站点创建一个文件(Try Block)

But I am unable to add a create a logic on 2nd and 3rd conditions.但我无法在第二个和第三个条件下添加创建逻辑。 I added delay and resubmit after last step (Create a file in sharepoint ) but the flow is continuously re-submitting after every failed attempt.我在最后一步(在 sharepoint 中创建文件)后添加了延迟并重新提交,但每次尝试失败后流程都会不断重新提交。

See the DocuSign Power Automate docs .请参阅DocuSign Power Automate 文档

Then ask more questions here when you have a specific question.当您有特定问题时,请在此处提出更多问题。 Include information on what you already tried (what isn't working).包括有关您已经尝试过的内容(无效的内容)的信息。

If you just want to store completed documents to a SharePoint site, first check out DocuSign Agreement Actions .如果您只想将完成的文档存储到 SharePoint 站点,请先查看DocuSign 协议操作 There is an action which stores to SharePoint.有一个存储到 SharePoint 的动作。

Re: the flow is continuously re-submitting after every failed attempt回复:每次尝试失败后,流程都会不断重新提交

Sounds like you have a logic error in your flow.听起来你的流程中有逻辑错误。 You can update (Edit) your question to include more information.您可以更新(编辑)您的问题以包含更多信息。 Then we can better help you.那么我们可以更好地帮助您。

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