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Thunk Middleware:动作创建者如何/为什么在未传入时有权访问调度?

[英]Thunk Middleware: how/why does action creator have access to dispatch when it's not passed in?

For reference, this is the origin of the below screenshots: https://github.com/gopinav/React-Redux-Tutorials/blob/master/redux-demo/asyncActions.js作为参考,这是以下屏幕截图的来源: https://github.com/gopinav/React-Redux-Tutorials/blob/master/redux-demo/asyncActions.js

Looking at the fetchUsers action creator function in the below screenshot, how is dispatch passed into this function?查看下面屏幕截图中的fetchUsers操作创建者 function, dispatch是如何传递到这个 function 中的? Not clear how the fetchUsers function has access to dispatch and can pass it into the anonymous return function within fetchUsers .不清楚fetchUsers function 如何访问 dispatch 并将其传递到 fetchUsers 中的匿名返回fetchUsers

The store creation in the 2nd screenshot is where the thunkMiddleware is applied and the fetchUsers is dispatched.第二张截图中的store创建是应用thunkMiddleware和分派fetchUsers的地方。



@JLRishe answered this correctly in a comment. @JLRishe 在评论中正确回答了这个问题。

fetchUsers is a function that returns an anonymous function. The anonymous function takes the dispatch function as an argument. fetchUsers是一个返回匿名 function 的 function。匿名 function 将dispatch function 作为参数。 When you call store.dispatch(fetchUsers()) , note that you're passing the return value of fetchUsers to store.dispatch .当您调用store.dispatch(fetchUsers())时,请注意您正在将fetchUsers返回值传递给store.dispatch Redux then calls this anonymous function, passing it the dispatch method as an argument. Redux 然后调用这个匿名 function,将dispatch方法作为参数传递给它。 The anonymous function is then invoked and can use the passed in dispatch function to dispatch additional actions.然后调用匿名 function 并可以使用传入的dispatch function 来调度其他操作。

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