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[英]Uploaded my entire computer User directory to Github. How can I stop it

I stuffed up on Github in my first 5 min.我在前 5 分钟内塞满了 Github。 Tried to setup a sync folder and accidentaly syncronized my entire user folder 85Gb!试图设置同步文件夹并意外同步了我的整个用户文件夹 85Gb!

Q) How do I stop it from syncronising that folder and change it to a subfolder?问)如何阻止它同步该文件夹并将其更改为子文件夹? (I think I also need to remove all those files from Github:-) (我想我还需要从 Github 中删除所有这些文件:-)

I used "add."我用了“添加”。 Not "commit" checked using Git Gui "Disk space used by loose objects 6641381 KiB"未“提交”使用 Git Gui 检查“松散对象使用的磁盘空间 6641381 KiB”

Thanks in advance James在此先感谢詹姆斯

I'm afraid to try anything else as I might delete both the upload and what is on my computer as itv is syncronised!我不敢尝试其他任何东西,因为我可能会删除上传的内容和我电脑上的内容,因为它是同步的!

If you just git Add.如果你只是git Add. instead of git commit , you can type this command:而不是git commit ,您可以键入以下命令:

git reset


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