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有没有办法改变Android Asset Studio保存资源的目录?

[英]Is there a way to change the directory to which the Android Asset Studio saves resources?

Every time I use the Android Asset Studio to add a new vector drawable to my localized app, the drawable gets saved to the res-localizable/drawable folder and I need to go in there and manually change it to res/drawable.每次我使用 Android Asset Studio 向我的本地化应用程序添加一个新的矢量可绘制对象时,该可绘制对象都会保存到 res-localizable/drawable 文件夹中,我需要在其中输入 go 并将其手动更改为 res/drawable。 It's a pain to always have to remember to change it.总是要记住要更改它是一种痛苦。 Is there a way I could change the default directory?有什么办法可以更改默认目录吗?

I tried adding source sets to my build.gradle with no luck我尝试将源集添加到我的 build.gradle 但没有成功

sourceSets {
    main {

So after updating to Electric Eel and deleting the jre folder, now I can see the option of saving to both my res and res-localizable folder in the Asset Studio Source Set input.因此,在更新到 Electric Eel 并删除 jre 文件夹后,现在我可以在 Asset Studio Source Set 输入中看到保存到我的 res 和 res-localizable 文件夹的选项。

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