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在 AHK 中解压文件

[英]Unzip file in AHK

A want to unzip a file using script in.ahk.想要使用脚本 in.ahk 解压缩文件。 Somebody to help me?有人帮帮我吗?


Unzip ("C:\Users\Ricardo\Desktop\Add_Polo_Plano.zip", "C:\Bots\Add_Polo_Plano")解压缩(“C:\Users\Ricardo\Desktop\Add_Polo_Plano.zip”,“C:\Bots\Add_Polo_Plano”)

But, it dosen't work.但是,它不起作用。

That's because the unzip function never existed, you would have to create one by adding this:那是因为解压缩 function 从未存在过,您必须通过添加以下内容来创建一个:

Unzip(Source, Destination)
    RunWait PowerShell.exe -NoExit -Command Expand-Archive -Path '%Source%' -DestinationPath '%Destination%';exit,%A_scriptDir%, Hide

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