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从 UWP 应用程序跳过确认弹出窗口或覆盖 windows 中的蓝牙设备对?

[英]Skipping confirmation popup or overriding for Bluetooth Device pair in windows from UWP app?

While connecting to any Bluetooth device, a yes/no popup appears from windows.连接到任何蓝牙设备时,会出现来自 windows 的是/否弹出窗口。

From app, is there any way to programmatically skip this yes/no popup?从应用程序中,有没有办法以编程方式跳过这个是/否弹出窗口?

Checked few documentation.检查了一些文档。

If you just want to connect to a Bluetooth device and it is a BLE device, you could take a look at this document BluetoothLE GATT client .如果你只想连接到一个蓝牙设备并且它是一个 BLE 设备,你可以看看这个文档BluetoothLE GATT client

As the sample code here:作为此处的示例代码:

DeviceWatcher deviceWatcher =

You could see that the DeviceWatcher could emulate BLE devices that are not even paired.您可以看到DeviceWatcher可以模拟甚至没有配对的 BLE 设备。 Then you could call BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync to create a BluetoothLEDevice device.然后您可以调用BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync来创建 BluetoothLEDevice 设备。

 BluetoothLEDevice bluetoothLeDevice = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync(deviceInfo.Id);

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