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Microsoft 365 在登录过程中不断要求“批准登录请求”

[英]Microsoft 365 keeps asking for "Approve Sign-in request" during login

I have deleted the MFA device from my Microsoft 365 account using this link https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info .我已使用此链接https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info从我的 Microsoft 365 帐户中删除了 MFA 设备。

When I perform an SSO login for one of the applications it asks for an MFA Approve Sign-in request after I enter my credentials.当我为其中一个应用程序执行 SSO 登录时,它会在我输入我的凭据后要求 MFA批准登录请求

Note: SSO is configured through SAML.注意:SSO 通过 SAML 配置。 We are using AWS Cognito as Service Provider and Azure AD as an Identity provider.我们使用 AWS Cognito 作为服务提供商,使用 Azure AD 作为身份提供商。

I have followed the below steps to disable MFA during Login:我已按照以下步骤在登录期间禁用 MFA:

Note: If you delete the mobile device from Signin portal, MFA will enforce to register the device again.注意:如果您从登录门户删除移动设备, MFA将强制重新注册该设备。 inorder to disable the MFA on user account.为了在用户帐户上禁用 MFA。 Kindly disable MFA on M365 portal.请在M365门户上禁用 MFA。 see the document by Emily Du-MSFT请参阅Emily Du-MSFT文档

I have enabled Multi-Factor Authentication to office 365 users.我已经为 Office 365 用户启用了多重身份验证


Select the checkbox for the same user for enforce MFA, Under Quick Steps , Select Enforce . Select 同一用户的复选框,用于执行 MFA,在快速步骤下, Select 执行


If tried to login to office 365 with same user account, MFA will enforce to register, like below.如果尝试使用相同的用户帐户登录 office 365,MFA 将强制注册,如下所示。在此处输入图像描述

If I login to mysignin portal, my mobile device is registered successfully.如果我登录到mysignin门户,我的移动设备已成功注册。


Once delete the device from Sign_in portal, MFA will enforce automatically to register the device again.从 Sign_in 门户删除设备后,MFA 将自动强制重新注册该设备。


Inorder to disable the MFA on user account.为了在用户帐户上禁用 MFA。 disable MFA in Office 365 Portal .Office 365 门户中禁用MFA


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