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Microsoft 365 keeps asking for "Approve Sign-in request" during login

I have deleted the MFA device from my Microsoft 365 account using this link https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info .

When I perform an SSO login for one of the applications it asks for an MFA Approve Sign-in request after I enter my credentials.

Note: SSO is configured through SAML. We are using AWS Cognito as Service Provider and Azure AD as an Identity provider.

I have followed the below steps to disable MFA during Login:

Note: If you delete the mobile device from Signin portal, MFA will enforce to register the device again. inorder to disable the MFA on user account. Kindly disable MFA on M365 portal. see the document by Emily Du-MSFT

I have enabled Multi-Factor Authentication to office 365 users.


Select the checkbox for the same user for enforce MFA, Under Quick Steps , Select Enforce .


If tried to login to office 365 with same user account, MFA will enforce to register, like below.在此处输入图像描述

If I login to mysignin portal, my mobile device is registered successfully.


Once delete the device from Sign_in portal, MFA will enforce automatically to register the device again.


Inorder to disable the MFA on user account. disable MFA in Office 365 Portal .


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