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如何将位串转换为 Julia 中的二进制形式

[英]How can I convert a bitstring to the binary form in Julia

I am using bitstring to perform an xor operation on the ith bit of a string:我正在使用位串对字符串的第 i 个位执行异或运算:

string = bitstring(string ⊻ 1 <<i)

However the result will be a string, so I cannot continue with other i.但是结果将是一个字符串,所以我不能继续使用其他 i.

So I want to know how do I convert a bitstring (of the form “000000000000000000000001001”) to (0b1001)?所以我想知道如何将位串(格式为“000000000000000000000001001”)转换为 (0b1001)?


You can useparse to create an integer from the string, and then use string (alt. bitstring )to go the other way.您可以使用parse从字符串创建 integer,然后使用string ( bitstring ) 以另一种方式创建 go。 Examples:例子:

julia> str = "000000000000000000000001001";

julia> x = parse(UInt, str; base=2) # parse as UInt from input in base 2

julia> x == 0b1001

julia> string(x; base=2) # stringify in base 2

julia> bitstring(x) # stringify as bits (64 bits since UInt64 is 64 bits)

don't use bitstring .不要使用bitstring You can either do the math with a BitVector or just a UInt .您可以使用BitVector或仅使用UInt进行数学计算。 No reason to bring a String into it.没有理由将String带入其中。

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