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Keras 损失值非常高且不减少

[英]Keras loss value very high and not decreasing

Firstly, I know that similar questions have been asked before, but mainly for classification problems.首先,我知道以前也有人问过类似的问题,但主要是分类问题。 Mine is a regression-style problem.我的是回归式问题。

I am trying to train a neural.network using keras to evaluate chess positions using stockfish evaluations.我正在尝试使用 keras 训练一个 neural.network,以使用鳕鱼评估来评估国际象棋的位置。 The input is boards in a (12,8,8) array (representing piece placement for each individual piece) and output is the evaluation in pawns.输入是 (12,8,8) 数组中的棋盘(代表每个棋子的棋子放置),output 是棋子的评估。 When training, the loss stagnates at around 500,000-600,000.训练时,loss 停滞在 500,000-600,000 左右。 I have a little over 12 million boards + evaluations and I train on all the data at once.我有超过 1200 万个板 + 评估,我一次训练所有数据。 The loss function is MSE.损失function是MSE。

This is my current code:这是我当前的代码:

model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(16, activation = "relu", input_shape = (12, 8, 8)))
model.add(Dense(16, activation = "relu"))
model.add(Dense(10, activation = "relu"))
model.add(Dense(1, activation = "linear"))
model.compile(optimizer = "adam", loss = "mean_squared_error", metrics = ["mse"])
# model = load_model("model.h5")

boards = np.load("boards.npy")
evals = np.load("evals.npy")
perf = model.fit(boards, evals, epochs = 10).history
plt.figure(dpi = 600)

This is the output of a previous epoch:这是前一个纪元的 output:

145856/398997 [=========>....................] - ETA: 26:23 - loss: 593797.4375 - mse: 593797.4375

The loss will remain at 570,000-580,000 upon further fitting, which is not ideal.进一步拟合后损失会保持在570,000-580,000,不太理想。 The loss should decrease by a few more orders of magnitude if I am not wrong.如果我没记错的话,损失应该再减少几个数量级。

What is the problem and how can I fix it to make the model learn better?问题是什么?如何解决才能使 model 学习得更好?

I would suspect that your evaluation data contains very big values, like 100000 pawns if one of sides forcefully wins.我怀疑您的评估数据包含非常大的值,例如如果一方强行获胜则有 100000 个棋子。 Than, if your model predicts something like 0 in the same position, then squared error is very high and this pushes MSE high as well.相比之下,如果您的 model 在同一个 position 中预测类似 0 的值,则平方误差非常高,这也会将 MSE 推高。 You might want to check your evaluation data and ensure they are in some limited range like [-20..20].您可能想要检查您的评估数据并确保它们在某个有限范围内,例如 [-20..20]。

Furthermore, evaluating a chess position is a very complex problem.此外,评估国际象棋 position 是一个非常复杂的问题。 It looks like your model has too few parameters for the task.看来您的 model 的任务参数太少。 Possible improvements:可能的改进:

  • Increase the numbers of neurons in your dense layers (say to 300, 200, 100).增加致密层中的神经元数量(比如 300、200、100)。
  • Increase the numbers of hidden layers (say to 10).增加隐藏层的数量(比如增加到 10)。
  • Use convolutional layers.使用卷积层。

Besides this, you might want to create a simple "baseline model" to better evaluate the performance of your neural.network.除此之外,您可能想要创建一个简单的“基线模型”以更好地评估您的神经网络的性能。 This baseline model could be just a python function, which runs on input data and does position evaluation based on material counting (like bishop - 3 pawns, rook - 5 etc.) Than you can run this function on your dataset and see MSE for it.这个基线 model 可能只是一个 python function,它在输入数据上运行,并根据材料计数(如主教 - 3 个棋子,车 - 5 等)进行 position 评估。然后你可以在你的数据集上运行这个 function 并查看 MSE . If your neural.network produces a smaller MSE than this baseline model, than it is really learning some useful patterns.如果你的 neural.network 产生的 MSE 小于这个基线 model,那么它实际上是在学习一些有用的模式。

I also recommend the following book: "Neural Networks For Chess: The magic of deep and reinforcement learning revealed" by Dominik Klein.我还推荐以下书籍:Dominik Klein 撰写的“国际象棋神经网络:揭示深度学习和强化学习的魔力”。 The book contains a description of.network architecture used in AlphaZero chess engine and a neural.network used in Stockfish.本书包含对 AlphaZero 国际象棋引擎中使用的网络架构的描述以及 Stockfish 中使用的神经网络。

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