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将 i32 转换为 f32

[英]Convert i32 into f32

How can I convert a i32 into a f32 in Zig Language?如何将 i32 转换为 Zig 语言中的 f32?

I want to count appearances of values in a for loop and afterwards get the percentages in a smooth floating number.我想计算 for 循环中值的出现次数,然后以平滑的浮点数获得百分比。

var partial : i32 = 0;
var total : i32 = 2000;

for (arr[0..total]) |value| {
    if(value < 200) inCircle = inCircle +  1;

const result = partial / total;

You need to use @intToFloat function. Like this:您需要使用@intToFloat function。像这样:

const result = @intToFloat(f32, partial) / @intToFloat(f32, total);

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