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如何 - 连接到 DevOps 未初始化的 Git 存储库(git remote add origin to uninitialized repo)

[英]HOW TO - Connect to DevOps Uninitialized Git Repository (git remote add origin to uninitialized repo)

I am creating a Project with git on DevOps using API. By default DevOps creates a git repository with same same name as project.我正在使用 API 在 DevOps 上创建一个带有 git 的项目。默认情况下,DevOps 创建一个与项目同名的 git 存储库。 I already have a project on my local machine and want to connect to that git repo and push it there.我的本地机器上已经有一个项目,想连接到 git 存储库并将其推送到那里。

How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点? Please help.请帮忙。

PS : I have to do it programmatically with C# code. PS:我必须使用 C# 代码以编程方式进行。

Thanks in Advance.提前致谢。

Short answer简答

You have to add the proper git remote , found on the initial project repo page.您必须添加正确的git remote ,在初始项目 repo 页面上找到。

Longer answer更长的答案

After creating a new project, the repo page looks like this:创建新项目后,repo 页面如下所示: azdo 的新项目

The second block contains the code for getting adding existing repo from command line.第二个块包含用于从命令行添加现有存储库的代码。 Let's say I have this local folder at C:\work\githubtest and just follow the commands above.假设我在C:\work\githubtest有这个本地文件夹,只需按照上面的命令操作即可。 For the example I'm showing above the red rectangle:对于我在红色矩形上方显示的示例:

  • what is in the folder;文件夹里有什么; README-local.MD README-local.MD
  • what I committed;我所承诺的; the file above上面的文件


The suggested commands from the rectangle and the screenshot are:矩形和屏幕截图中的建议命令是:

git remote add origin https://yourorg@dev.azure.com/yourorg/GithubTest/_git/GithubTest
git push -u origin --all

The result结果

AzDo 中的结果

In C# C#

So, your question is how to do this programmatically, in C# ?那么,您的问题是如何在 C# 中以编程方式执行此操作? Well the part of the git command is asked and answered here This could look in your example something like:那么 git 命令的一部分在这里被询问和回答这可能看起来像你的例子:

string directory = ""; // directory of the git repository

using (PowerShell powershell = PowerShell.Create()) {
    // this changes from the user folder that PowerShell starts up with to your git repository
    powershell.AddScript($"cd {directory}");

    powershell.AddScript(@"git remote add origin https://yourorg@dev.azure.com/yourorg/GithubTest/_git/GithubTest");
    powershell.AddScript(@"git push -u origin --all");

    Collection<PSObject> results = powershell.Invoke();

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