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Arc 包装的同一实例的多个特征对象<mutex<_> > </mutex<_>

[英]Multible trait objects of the same instance wrapped by Arc<Mutex<_>>

The goal is to have an object ( callback_handler ) implementing the traits A , B and C that can be passed to different functions that expect a trait object of type A or B , for instance.目标是让 object ( callback_handler ) 实现特征ABC ,这些特征可以传递给不同的函数,例如期望类型为AB的特征 object 。

This requires callback_handler , and the trait objects to be protected by the same Mutex (since, eg, trait A expects &mut self ).这需要callback_handler和 trait 对象由同一个Mutex保护(因为,例如,trait A期望&mut self )。 Furthermore, for this setup to work, this Mutex must be wrapped in an Arc or Rc :此外,要使此设置生效,必须将此Mutex包装在ArcRc中:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

trait A {
    fn a(&mut self) {}
trait B {}
trait C: A + B {}

struct Foo {}

impl A for Foo {}
impl B for Foo {}
impl C for Foo {}

fn register_for_A(callback_handler: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn A>>>) {
    // Register for callbacks defined in `A`.
    // Store the passed handler somewhere.

fn register_for_B(callback_handler: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn B>>>) {
    // Register for callbacks defined in `B`.
    // Store the passed handler somewhere.

fn main() {
    let callback_handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::new(Foo{})));
    // Register for callbacks using different trait objects of the same "origin" object.
    // For this to be safe, all objects must be protected by the same ("shared") mutex.
    // !!! This will not work since there must be some steps to cast this to the right type. !!!

    // We can still use `callback_handler` to call methods on Foo ourself

Now, the question is, how can the origin object callback_hanlder of type Arc<Mutex<Box<Foo>>> be casted/converted to an Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn A>>> and Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn B>>> ?现在,问题是,如何将Arc<Mutex<Box<Foo>>>类型的原点 object callback_hanlder转换/转换为Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn A>>>Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn B>>> While I don't see a technical reason why this should not be possible, I don't know how to perform such a conversion and whether it is doable.虽然我没有看到为什么这不可能的技术原因,但我不知道如何执行这样的转换以及它是否可行。 While one solution would be using the Any trait, I was hoping that there is a solution that retains compile-time type safety for functions register_for_A and register_for_B .虽然一种解决方案是使用Any特性,但我希望有一种解决方案可以保留函数register_for_Aregister_for_B的编译时类型安全性。

You're getting tripped up by your double use of smart pointers Box + Arc you can simply cast an Arc<Mutex<Foo>> to an Arc<Mutex<dyn A>> using as , there is really no need to additionally Box it:你被智能指针Box + Arc的双重使用绊倒了你可以简单地将Arc<Mutex<Foo>>转换为Arc<Mutex<dyn A>>使用as ,真的没有必要另外将它Box :

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

trait A {
    fn a(&mut self) {}
trait B {}

struct Foo {}

impl A for Foo {}
impl B for Foo {}

fn register_for_A(callback_handler: Arc<Mutex<dyn A>>) {
    // Register for callbacks defined in `A`.
    // Store the passed handler somewhere.

fn register_for_B(callback_handler: Arc<Mutex<dyn B>>) {
    // Register for callbacks defined in `B`.
    // Store the passed handler somewhere.

fn main() {
    let callback_handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Foo{}));
    // Register for callbacks using different trait objects of the same "origin" object.
    // For this to be safe, all objects must be protected by the same ("shared") mutex.
    // !!! This will not work since there must be some steps to cast this to the right type. !!!
    register_for_A(Arc::clone(&callback_handler) as _);
    register_for_B(Arc::clone(&callback_handler) as _);

    // We can still use `callback_handler` to call methods on Foo ourself

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