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[英]cumulative sum of array of rows

I have this data frame:我有这个数据框:

transaction ID交易编号 day number天数 Predicted value预测值
12 12 1 1个 .001 .001
12 12 2 2个 .002 .002
12 12 1 1个 .001 .001
12 12 2 2个 .002 .002
13 13 1 1个 .001 .001
13 13 2 2个 .002 .002
13 13 3 3个 .002 .002
13 13 4 4个 .003 .003

I want to take the cumulative sum of the each set of predicted values based on the sequential day numbers (ie cumsum of the first 2 rows, cumsum of the next 2, and the cumsum of the last 4)我想根据连续的天数(即前 2 行的 cumsum,下 2 行的 cumsum,以及最后 4 行的 cumsum)获取每组预测值的累积和

so the results would be.003, .003, .008所以结果将是.003, .003, .008

Using R base使用R基地

sapply(split(df$Predicted_value,cumsum(c(1,diff(df$day_number)!=1))), sum)
   1     2     3 
0.003 0.003 0.008 

Using the answer from this post :使用这篇文章的答案:

df %>%
  group_by(transaction_ID) %>%
  mutate(id = cumsum(c(1, diff(day_number) != 1))) %>%
  group_by(transaction_ID, id) %>%

  transaction_ID    id result
           <int> <dbl>  <dbl>
1             12     1  0.003
2             12     2  0.003
3             13     1  0.008

Based on your desired output, it's not a cumulative sum but a sum by transaction ID and day group.根据您想要的 output,它不是累计总和,而是按交易 ID 和日期组的总和。

Using data.table使用data.table

dat = data.table(transID = c(12,...),
                 dayNum = c(1,2,...),
                 predVal = c(0.001, 0.002, ...))

# introduce a grouping column; each group starts when day == 1
    gr := cumsum(dayNum == 1)]

# aggregate
    by = gr]

    gr    V1
1:  1 0.003
2:  2 0.003
3:  3 0.008

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