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我如何在 rust 实现中为具有 static 生命周期的特征指定结构生命周期?

[英]How can i specify struct lifetime in rust implementation for trait with static lifetime?

I have this code:我有这段代码:

// engine.rs
pub struct Engine<'a, 'b> {
    // ...some code
    dispatcher: Dispatcher<'a, 'b>

impl<'a, 'b> GameState for Engine<'a, 'b> { // <- Error
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) {

// dispatcher.rs (lib file)
pub struct Dispatcher<'a, 'b> {
    //...some code

// gamestate.rs (lib file)
pub trait GameState: 'static {
    fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm);

I need the dispatcher field in the structure, but when specifying the field type, I also need to specify the lifetime.我需要结构体中的dispatcher字段,但是在指定字段类型的时候,还需要指定lifetime。 This is not a problem as long as I don't have to specify a lifetime in the GameState implementation block which has a static lifetime.只要我不必在具有 static 生命周期的GameState实现块中指定生命周期,这就不是问题。 When I try to specify the lifetime there, I get an error.当我尝试在那里指定生命周期时,出现错误。 I can't change the GameState and Dispatcher because it's library code and I need the dispatcher field in the struct.我无法更改GameStateDispatcher ,因为它是库代码,我需要结构中的调度程序字段。 How can I solve this problem?我怎么解决这个问题?

Full error text:完整的错误文本:

error[E0478]: lifetime bound not satisfied
  --> src/engine.rs:14:14
14 | impl<'a, 'b> GameState for Engine<'a, 'b> {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^
note: lifetime parameter instantiated with the lifetime `'b` as defined here
  --> src/engine.rs:14:10
14 | impl<'a, 'b> GameState for Engine<'a, 'b> {
   |          ^^
   = note: but lifetime parameter must outlive the static lifetime

You have to define all lifetimes that Engine contains as 'static because by writing trait Gamestate: 'static you say that Gamestate can only be implemented for things that contain no references that live shorter than 'static but by trying to define it for a struct containing references of a generic lifetime 'a which you have to assume can be any lifetime in practice this obviously isn't fulfilled.您必须将Engine包含的所有生命周期定义为'static因为通过编写trait Gamestate: 'static你说Gamestate只能针对不包含比'static寿命短的引用的事物来实现,但是通过尝试为包含的结构定义它你必须假设的通用生命周期'a引用在实践中可以是任何生命周期,这显然没有实现。

Wether you do it by directly secifying it in Engine , Dispatcher or by passing 'static as generic parameters is up to you to decide, do you need to support non-static lifetimes in a Engine ?无论您是通过直接在EngineDispatcher中对其进行分类还是通过将'static作为通用参数传递都由您决定,您是否需要在Engine中支持非静态生命周期? Then you definitely can't use 'static in it's definition, similar for Dispatcher .那么你绝对不能在它的定义中使用'static ,类似于Dispatcher

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