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查找 OOP 中两点之间的距离

[英]Finding distance between two points in OOP

The program creates a class for points and has three functions: one that shows the coordinates of the point, another that moves the coordinates, and the last one that calculates the distance between them.程序为点创建了一个class,有三个函数:一个显示点的坐标,一个移动坐标,最后一个计算它们之间的距离。 I'm stuck with the last one I don't know how to do that.我坚持最后一个我不知道该怎么做。

from math import sqrt

class Points:
    def __init__(self, x1, y1):
        self.x1 = x1
        self.y1 = y1

    def show(self):
        return (self.x1, self.y1)

    def move(self, x2, y2):
        self.x1 += x2
        self.y1 += y2

    def dist(self, point):
        return sqrt(((point[0] - self.x1) ** 2) + ((point[1] - self.y1) ** 2))

p1 = Points(2, 3)
p2 = Points(3, 3)


p1.move(10, -10)



Access point members in dist like this:像这样在dist中访问point成员:

return sqrt(((point.x1 - self.x1) ** 2) + ((point.y1 - self.y1) ** 2))

What you did wrong was that you were trying to index a class. Try the following solution (I made it simpler):您做错的是您试图索引 class。请尝试以下解决方案(我使其更简单):

def dist(self, point):
    plusx = self.x1 - point.x1
    plusy = self.y1 - point.y1
    pythagoras = sqrt((plusx**2)+(plusy**2))
    return pythagoras

#output after the other code: 13.45362404707371

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