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jetpack compose material3中TopAppBar的默认颜色

[英]Default color of TopAppBar in jetpack compose material3

I find that the default color of TopAppBar in my project is white (in light mode), while normally it should has another default color, like in document .我发现我的项目中 TopAppBar 的默认颜色是白色(在浅色模式下),而通常它应该有另一种默认颜色,比如在document中。

I notice that the default color in code is:我注意到代码中的默认颜色是:

fun TopAppBar(
    colors: TopAppBarColors = TopAppBarDefaults.smallTopAppBarColors(),

fun smallTopAppBarColors(
    containerColor: Color = TopAppBarSmallTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),

internal object TopAppBarSmallTokens {
    val ContainerColor = ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface

which is the same as that of BottomAppBar, ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface :ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface的 ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface 相同:

fun BottomAppBar(
    containerColor: Color = BottomAppBarDefaults.containerColor,

object BottomAppBarDefaults {
    val containerColor: Color @Composable get() = BottomAppBarTokens.ContainerColor.toColor()

internal object BottomAppBarTokens {
    val ContainerColor = ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface

But in my test, container color of TopAppBar is the same as document shows, while container color of TopAppBar is another: white.但在我的测试中, TopAppBar的容器颜色与文档显示的相同,而TopAppBar的容器颜色是另一种:白色。

I can't figured out what causes the default color of TopAppBar to turn into white.我不知道是什么原因导致 TopAppBar 的默认颜色变成白色。

Versions of libraies:图书馆的版本:

  • compose: 1.3.0-rc01撰写:1.3.0-rc01
  • material3: 1.0.0-rc01材料 3:1.0.0-rc01

The default background color in M3 TopAppBar is based on containerColor attribute defined in the colors attribute. M3 TopAppBar中的默认背景颜色基于colors属性中定义的containerColor属性。

The default color is val ContainerColor = ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface .默认颜色是val ContainerColor = ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface

Check in your theme.检查你的主题。 If the surface color is omitted the Light scheme default value is: #FFFBFE as described in the doc .如果省略surface颜色,则光方案默认值为: #FFFBFE ,如文档中所述。

You can check in the code:您可以签入代码:

val Surface = PaletteTokens.Neutral99
val Neutral99 = Color(red = 255, green = 251, blue = 254)

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