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[英]Conditional Formatting to range


I am trying to do conditional formatting on certain job levels if they reached their target range.如果他们达到目标范围,我正在尝试对某些工作级别进行条件格式化。 How would I go about doing this.我将如何执行此操作 go。 For example, if a PM on the left's ratio is higher than 60%, then I want them to turn green, if not, turn red.例如,如果左边的一个 PM 的比例高于 60%,那么我希望他们变成绿色,如果不是,则变成红色。


USe a CF rule based on formula:使用基于公式的 CF 规则:


You can use VLOOKUP to find target.您可以使用VLOOKUP查找目标。 Formulas for formatting: For green:格式化公式: 对于绿色:


For red:对于红色:


(change ranges according to yours). (根据您的更改范围)。

Result:结果: 在此处输入图像描述

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