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Bigquery:将从 BQ 沙盒切换到 BQ 付费将更改沙盒中的 60 天数据限制设置

[英]Bigquery: Will switching from BQ sandbox to BQ paid will change 60 days data limit setup in sandbox

Bigquery: Will switching from BQ sandbox to BQ paid will change 60 days data limit setup in sandbox. Bigquery:将从 BQ 沙盒切换到 BQ 付费将更改沙盒中的 60 天数据限制设置。 Also, will I be able to export all GA4 data (last 1 year minimum) post switching to BQ paid?另外,我能否在转换为 BQ 付费后导出所有 GA4 数据(至少过去 1 年)?

currently we only have 60 days data in BQ sandbox and want to know if moving to BQ paid service will remove this limitation.目前我们在 BQ 沙盒中只有 60 天的数据,想知道转移到 BQ 付费服务是否会消除这个限制。 lso, will I be able to export all GA4 data (last 1 year minimum) post switching to BQ paid?另外,我是否可以在切换到 BQ 付费后导出所有 GA4 数据(至少过去 1 年)?

I'm not sure if the change from 60 days is automatic, you may have to change it manually.我不确定 60 天后的更改是否是自动的,您可能需要手动更改。

Unfortunately, you can't export old data from GA4.遗憾的是,您无法从 GA4 中导出旧数据。 Once you are out of the sandbox and have changed the data limit, you will start to get more days stored.一旦您离开沙盒并更改了数据限制,您将开始获得更多的存储天数。

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