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使用 GIMP 仅在一层中调整图像大小

[英]Use GIMP to resize image in one layer only

This is my set up.这是我的设置。 I have 2 layers with transparency (I don't know if transparency matters here).我有 2 个透明层(我不知道透明度在这里是否重要)。 Layers are the same size, 5x7 inches.图层大小相同,为 5x7 英寸。 Each layer has their image (say I draw a square on it and a circle on the other).每一层都有自己的图像(比如我在上面画了一个正方形,在另一层画了一个圆圈)。

I want to resize ONLY the square.我只想调整正方形的大小。

The problem is when I scale the square I end up either scaling both, the circle AND the square, equally and they retain their layer size, or BOTH layers are rezise and no longer 5x7 inches.问题是,当我缩放正方形时,我最终要么同时缩放圆形和正方形,并且它们保持其图层大小,要么两个图层都重新调整大小,不再是 5x7 英寸。 I've tried 'Tools-Transform-Scale' and 'Image-Resize canvas or image', but I can't find the tool to just resize ONE of the images.我试过“工具-变换-缩放”和“图像-调整大小 canvas 或图像”,但我找不到只调整其中一张图像大小的工具。

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?知道我做错了什么吗?


What you want is the Scale tool, and it will resize only the active layer if it is in Scale: layer mode (you seem to have it in Scale: image mode)(*).你想要的是缩放工具,如果它处于Scale: layer模式(你似乎在Scale: image模式)(*),它只会调整活动图层的大小。



Otherwise, to clear up things:否则,要清理东西:

  • Image > Canvas size changes the size of the canvas, but nothing is stretched/compressed, the layers retain their size or are extended with transparency or white. Image > Canvas size更改了 canvas 的大小,但没有任何内容被拉伸/压缩,层保持其大小或以透明或白色扩展。

  • Image > Scale image scales everything in the image (layers, channels, paths...) Image > Scale image中的所有内容(图层、通道、路径...)

(*) Also,if what you apply a transform such as Scale to an item that has the chainlink, the same transform will be applied to all other chainlinked items (other layers, but also paths). (*) 此外,如果您将诸如缩放之类的变换应用于具有链接的项目,则相同的变换将应用于所有其他链接的项目(其他层,还有路径)。


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