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使用 SQL 使用来自另一个表的聚合数据创建表

[英]Create table with aggregate data from another table, using SQL

I am trying to create the tableau_table_1 table from the aggregated data of the covid_deaths table.我正在尝试根据 covid_deaths 表的聚合数据创建 tableau_table_1 表。

Here is my query...这是我的查询...

CREATE TABLE tableau_table_1 AS 
   SUM(new_cases) AS total_cases,
   SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) AS total_deaths, 
   SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 AS death_percentage 
 -- Group By date order by 1,2

The error that I am showing is...我显示的错误是......

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'

You could try SELECT INTO Statement你可以试试 SELECT INTO Statement

SELECT * INTO tableau_table_1
      SUM(new_cases) AS total_cases,
      SUM(cast(new_deaths AS int)) AS total_deaths, 
      SUM(cast(new_deaths AS int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 AS death_percentage 
   WHERE continent IS NOT NULL) AS aggregated_data;

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