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使用 Python 访问文件时的差异?

[英]Differences when accessing a file with Python?

Learning about different access methods that can be used when opening a file with Python. What is the difference between opening a file for both reading and writing vs. opening a file for both writing and reading?了解使用 Python 打开文件时可以使用的不同访问方法。打开文件进行读写与打开文件进行写入和读取有什么区别?

when using the open() function you can use any any of these to open a file:使用open() function 时,您可以使用其中任何一个打开文件:

  • r r
  • r+ r+
  • w w
  • w+ w+
  • a一种
  • a+一个+

my question is really would there be a different outcome when using either r+ vs w+ to open files?我的问题是使用 r+ 与 w+ 打开文件时真的会有不同的结果吗?

The difference between r+ and w+ is that w+ will empty the file first. r+w+的区别在于w+会先清空文件。 So you typically use r+ if you want to read the file first, then write to it.因此,如果您想先读取文件,然后写入文件,通常会使用r+ You use w+ if you want to write to the file first, then read what you've written.如果你想先写入文件,你可以使用w+ ,然后读取你所写的内容。

a+ automatically positions to the end of the file when it's first opened and before every write. a+在第一次打开文件时和每次写入之前自动定位到文件末尾。 So you can use it similarly to r+ , but you have to seek first if you want to read what's already in the file, and all writes are appended to the end.所以你可以像r+一样使用它,但是如果你想读取文件中已有的内容,你必须先查找,并且所有写入都附加到末尾。

The modes without + just allow reading or writing, not both.没有+的模式只允许读取或写入,而不是两者。

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