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org/apache/logging/log4j/util/Base64Util.class: Class 版本错误请使用支持的 JDK 重新编译

[英]org/apache/logging/log4j/util/Base64Util.class: Class Version Error Please recompile with supported JDK

/build/Debug/ant/pdm.jar./META-INF/versions/9/org/apache/logging/log4j/util/Base64Util:class. /build/Debug/ant/pdm.jar./META-INF/versions/9/org/apache/logging/log4j/util/Base64Util:class。 Class Version Error. Class 版本错误。 Please recompile with a supported JDK or check for an update to DashO which supports the new version.请使用受支持的 JDK 重新编译或检查支持新版本的 DashO 更新。

We are using ant as build tool and Dasho as the code trimming tool.我们使用 ant 作为构建工具,使用 Dasho 作为代码修整工具。

We are migrating our code from log4j1.x to log4j2.x and we replaced old jar with new Jars(2.xapi & 2.xcore)我们正在将我们的代码从 log4j1.x 迁移到 log4j2.x,我们用新的 Jars(2.xapi 和 2.xcore)替换了旧的 jar

Since then after adding the libraries itself we are getting this error while building the project,as we are using java 8 and as per official log4j2 documentation any version of lof4j2 above 2.17.1 does support java8从那时起,在添加库本身之后,我们在构建项目时遇到了这个错误,因为我们使用的是 java 8 并且根据官方 log4j2 文档,2.17.1 以上的 lof4j2 的任何版本都支持 java8

Found this line when searched for this Base64Util.class in the official documentation of 2.x link Tried using 2.17.1 && 2.15 && 2.13 but no luck在 2.x 链接的官方文档中搜索此 Base64Util.class 时找到此行尝试使用 2.17.1 && 2.15 && 2.13 但没有运气

Why this unsupported JDK is coming even after using java8 in project??为什么这个不受支持的 JDK 即使在项目中使用 java8 后也会出现??

In order to support Java 8 and all later releases the log4j-api and log4j-core artifacts are multi-release jars .为了支持 Java 8 和所有更高版本的log4j-apilog4j-core工件是多版本 jars The class file that gives you problems uses Java 9 bytecode.给你问题的 class 文件使用 Java 9 字节码。

According to their web site DashO does not support multi-release jars .根据他们的 web 站点,DashO 不支持多版本 jars

Remark : removing the Java 9 classes from log4j-api and log4j-core will break logger context selection and location information on JDK 9 and later, so it is not an option.备注:从log4j-apilog4j-core中删除 Java 9 类将破坏 JDK 9 及更高版本上的记录器上下文选择和位置信息,因此它不是一个选项。


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