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[英]How can I compare two columns values and apply conditional formatting on one of the columns based on both columns values?

I have a data frame with scores for Q2, Q3 and Q4.我有一个包含 Q2、Q3 和 Q4 分数的数据框。 If Q4's score is greater than Q3, I'd like to color the cell green.如果 Q4 的分数大于 Q3,我想将单元格涂成绿色。 If Q4's score is less than Q3, I'd like to color the cell red.如果 Q4 的分数低于 Q3,我想将单元格涂成红色。 If Q3 and Q4 have the same score, I'd like to leave the cell white.如果 Q3 和 Q4 的分数相同,我想将单元格留白。

Here's the data and what I attempted to do这是数据和我试图做的

scores = pd.DataFrame({
    'Market': ['AL', 'AR', 'AR', 'AR', 'AR'], 
    'Health Plan': ['HP1', 'HP1', 'HP2', 'HP3', 'HP4'],
    'Network': ['Medicare', 'Ambetter', 'Medicaid', 'Medicare', 'Medicare'],
    'Q2': [72,51,49,70,62], 
    'Q3': [72,60,59,75,55],
    'Q4': [84,72,75,73,62]})

def color_cells(val):
    color = 'green' if val > scores['Q3'] else 'red' if val < scores['Q3'] else 'white'
    return 'background-color: %s' % color

scores.style.applymap(color_cells, subset='Q4')

And this is the error I am getting这是我得到的错误

ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

I would suggest to use np.select to create a style array based on the conditions then apply the style array on the column Q4我建议使用np.select根据条件创建样式数组,然后在Q4列上apply样式数组

colors = np.select(
    [scores['Q4'] > scores['Q3'], scores['Q4'] < scores['Q3']], 
    ['background: green', 'background: red'], 'background: white'

scores.style.apply(lambda s: colors, subset='Q4')



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