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[英]Conditional formatting of a range based on another range in google sheet

I want to have conditional formatting for sheet1 (Columns AE) in such a way so that cell values which match with the values present in sheet2 (Column A) should be highlighted in red.我想以这种方式为 sheet1(AE 列)设置条件格式,以便与 sheet2(A 列)中存在的值匹配的单元格值应以红色突出显示。

I am sharing this example output sheet for your reference.我正在分享这个示例 output 表格供您参考。

Please help me out, if it is possible please.请帮助我,如果可能的话。

Use this conditional formatting custom formula rule:使用此条件格式自定义公式规则:

=countif(indirect("sheet2!A2:A"), A2)

See your sample spreadsheet .请参阅您的示例电子表格

You can't simply refer to other sheet in Google Sheets conditional formatting, trick is to use INDIRECT when referring to other sheets.您不能简单地引用 Google 表格条件格式中的其他表格,技巧是在引用其他表格时使用INDIRECT

Range A2:I20量程A2:I20





Result:结果: 在此处输入图像描述

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