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通过 func(1) 和 func 调用重载模板 function<int> (1)导致结果不同</int>

[英]Calling overloading template function by func(1) and func<int>(1) leads to difference result

I have two template functions:我有两个模板函数:

template <typename T>   
void func(T a)
{ std::cout << "func(T a)" << std::endl; }

template <typename T>  
void func(int a)
{ std::cout << "func(int a)" << std::endl; }

And calling func which different method will lead to different result:而调用func不同的方法会导致不同的结果:

func(1);       // call func(T a)
func<int>(1);  // call func(int a)

Here is the demo .这是演示 I originally thought that func(1) and func<int>(1) are identical, but it seems that I was wrong.我原本认为func(1)func<int>(1)是相同的,但看来我错了。 Does compiler treat func(1) and func<int>(1) differently?编译器是否以不同方式对待func(1)func<int>(1) Thanks for any help!谢谢你的帮助!

The call func<int>(1);调用func<int>(1); chooses the second overload because it is more specialized.选择第二个重载,因为它更专业。

The call func(1);调用func(1); can't choose the second overload, because the second overload has a template parameter T which is neither given a template argument explicitly (as in func<int>(1); ), nor can be deduced from the function parameter/argument pair (as T in the first overload can from the argument 1 to the T a parameter).不能选择第二个重载,因为第二个重载有一个模板参数T ,它既没有明确地给出模板参数(如func<int>(1); ),也不能从 function 参数/参数对(因为第一个重载中的T可以从参数1T a参数)。 If a template argument can't be deduced and isn't explicitly given, then the overload is non-viable in overload resolution.如果无法推导模板参数并且未明确给出,则重载在重载决策中是不可行的。 The only remaining overload is the first one, which is then chosen.唯一剩下的过载是第一个,然后选择它。

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