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使用 SSDT 进行逆向工程,这样我就可以像在 MySQL 中一样获得架构的概述

[英]Using SSDT to do reverse engineering so I can get overview of schema just like in MySQL

I just installed and imported my database in Visual Studio, All I want to see is schema to get a quick relation of among different tables, I was hoping if I could get a way to do the same in SQL server just like it can be done with my sql reverse engineering我刚刚在 Visual Studio 中安装并导入了我的数据库,我只想看到模式来快速了解不同表之间的关系,我希望我能找到一种方法在 SQL 服务器中做同样的事情,就像它可以完成的那样用我的 sql 逆向工程

I use Azure data studio (the extension is buggy ), I also have Sql server manangement studio, I also visual studio and selected database management pack where SSDT was included and now I simply imported the database which I want schema for我使用 Azure data studio(扩展名有问题),我也有 Sql 服务器管理工作室,我还有 visual studio 和选择包含 SSDT 的数据库管理包,现在我只是导入了我想要架构的数据库

SSMS has some rudimentary diagram tools to pull in objects and see any relations that exist. SSMS 有一些基本的图表工具可以拉入对象并查看存在的任何关系。 Something to watch for is that if you add any relations or modify anything other than the layout on that diagram, you actually change the database itself.需要注意的是,如果您添加任何关系或修改除该图布局之外的任何内容,您实际上会更改数据库本身。

There are some free/cheap ERD apps/sites that you may want to investigate and many will give you a script to run in SQL Server to extract the schema in a format they can use.您可能想要研究一些免费/便宜的 ERD 应用程序/网站,其中许多会给您一个脚本,让您在 SQL 服务器上运行,以他们可以使用的格式提取架构。

I'd recommend searching on ERD apps that can do database diagrams, but for a free option you may want to check out https://dbschema.com/ (there's a free/trial version) or https://dbdiagram.io as they can handle some simple ER diagrams.我建议搜索可以制作数据库图表的 ERD 应用程序,但对于免费选项,您可能需要查看https://dbschema.com/ (有免费/试用版)或https://dbdiagram.io作为他们可以处理一些简单的 ER 图。 (note - no affiliation to either, just some examples/options) (注意 - 两者都没有隶属关系,只是一些示例/选项)

You can't easily forward-engineer changes with it, but it can work to just see the relationships visually.您不能轻易地使用它进行正向工程更改,但它可以仅通过视觉方式查看关系。 If you're going to use ER diagrams regularly, a paid option will be much more helpful.如果您打算定期使用 ER 图,付费选项会更有帮助。 There are a lot of options available, but for that sort of design work you probably want collaboration and the ability to push out changes to a live database from the ERD.有很多选项可用,但对于这类设计工作,您可能需要协作以及将更改从 ERD 推送到实时数据库的能力。

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