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Class 方法专业化

[英]Class Method Specialization

Currently using g++-11.3.0, C++20.当前使用 g++-11.3.0,C++20。

I'm trying to make this class that accepts two parameters at construction: a void pointer that points to a pre-allocated block of memory, and the size of the memory block.我试图让这个 class 在构造时接受两个参数:一个指向 memory 预分配块的空指针,以及 memory 块的大小。 The class then iterates through the data block with calls to the next() method, which returns a reference of the next available slot in the data block, enclosed in the specified type T . class 然后通过调用next()方法遍历数据块,该方法返回数据块中下一个可用槽的引用,包含在指定类型T中。

class DataArrayIterator
    void* data;
    size_t maxSize;
    size_t size;


    template<typename T>
    T& next<T>()
        assert(sizeof(T) + size <= maxSize);

        size_t offset = size;

        size += sizeof(T);

        return *((T*)(static_cast<char*>(data) + offset));

    DataArrayIterator(void* data, size_t maxSize)
      :  data{data}, maxSize{maxSize}, size{0}


Compiling the code gives me the error non-class, non-variable partial specialization 'next<T>' is not allowed .编译代码给我错误non-class, non-variable partial specialization 'next<T>' is not allowed Is there anything I could do to mimic the same functionality as closely as possible?我能做些什么来尽可能地模仿相同的功能吗? Or are there more suitable alternatives?还是有更合适的选择?

You don't need any partial specialisation in this case, just introduce a function template:在这种情况下您不需要任何部分特化,只需引入一个 function 模板:

template<typename T>
T& next() {
    ... // implementation goes here

And instantiate the function when needed:并在需要时实例化 function:

auto i = 8;
// val is an int reference with value of 8
auto& val = DataArrayIterator{ &i, sizeof(i) }.next<int>(); 

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