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更改 seaborn 的因子图以包含点

[英]change the factorplot of seaborn to include dots

I have a pandas dataframe that looks like this:我有一个 pandas dataframe 看起来像这样:

      feat  roi       sbj         alpha test_type       acc
0     cnn2  LOC  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.260961
1     cnn2  LOC  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.755594
2     cnn4  LOC  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.282238
3     cnn4  LOC  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.726485
4     cnn6  LOC  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.087359
5     cnn6  LOC  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.701167
6     cnn8  LOC  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.209444
7     cnn8  LOC  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.612597
8    glove  LOC  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.263176
9    glove  LOC  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.659182
10    cnn2  FFA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.276830
11    cnn2  FFA  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.761014
12    cnn4  FFA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.288127
13    cnn4  FFA  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.727325
14    cnn6  FFA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.113507
15    cnn6  FFA  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.732963
16    cnn8  FFA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.264455
17    cnn8  FFA  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.615467
18   glove  FFA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.245950
19   glove  FFA  Subject1           0.4   imagery  0.640502
20    cnn2  PPA  Subject1  normal_space   imagery  0.344078

For plotting it, I wrote:为了绘制它,我写道:

ax = sns.factorplot(x="feat", y="acc", col="roi", hue="alpha", alpha = 0.9, data=df_s_pt, kind="bar").set(title = "perception, scene wise correlation")

The result look like this:结果如下所示:


I want to upgrade it so it can look like the one in this answer (so it has the dots of each subject (ie, Subject1, Subject2, ...))我想升级它,让它看起来像这个答案中的那个(所以它有每个主题的点(即 Subject1,Subject2,...))

Also, I want to control the color.另外,我想控制颜色。

I could'nt use the code in that answer .我无法使用该答案中的代码。 How should I apply having dots/color change in factorplot?我应该如何在 factorplot 中应用点/颜色变化?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

Some remarks:一些评论:

  • sns.factorplot is a very old function. In the newer seaborn versions it has been replaced by sns.catplot . sns.factorplot是一个非常古老的 function。在较新的 seaborn 版本中,它已被sns.catplot取代。 To take advantage of the hard work in correcting, improving and extending the library, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version (0.12.2)为了利用在纠正、改进和扩展库方面的辛勤工作,强烈建议升级到最新版本 (0.12.2)
  • Functions that create multiple subplots in one go, don't return an ax , but a grid of subplots (a FacetGrid ).在一个 go 中创建多个子图的函数不返回ax ,而是返回子图网格(一个FacetGrid )。 It is extremely confusing storing the result of such a function in ax , as matplotlib's axes functions won't work on them.将这样一个 function 的结果存储在ax中是非常令人困惑的,因为 matplotlib 的轴函数对它们不起作用。
  • Calling set(title=...) on the FacetGrid changes the titles of the individual subplots.FacetGrid上调用set(title=...)会更改各个子图的标题。 It therefore removes the title given by seaborn to indicate the feature used for each subplot ( 'roi' in the current example).因此,它删除了 seaborn 给出的标题,以指示用于每个子图的特征(当前示例中的'roi' )。
  • To change the overall title, g.fig.suptitle(...) can be used.要更改整体标题,可以使用g.fig.suptitle(...) Some extra space needs to be provided, as that doesn't happen automatically.需要提供一些额外的空间,因为这不会自动发生。
  • The latest seaborn versions have a function g.map_dataframe to apply a function to each subset used corresponding to its subplot.最新的 seaborn 版本有一个 function g.map_dataframe将 function 应用于与其子图对应的每个子集。
  • Colors can be controlled via the palette= parameter. Colors 可以通过palette=参数控制。 Either individual colors, or a colormap can be chosen.可以选择单独的 colors 或颜色图。
  • To make sure the order is the same everywhere, it often helps to make the dataframe columns of type pd.Categorical .为了确保顺序在任何地方都相同,通常有助于制作类型为pd.Categorical的 dataframe 列。
  • You might want to suppress the errorbars with sns.catplot(..., errorbar=None)您可能希望使用sns.catplot(..., errorbar=None)来抑制错误栏

Here is an example starting from dummy test data.这是一个从虚拟测试数据开始的示例。

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'feat': np.random.choice(['cnn2', 'cnn4', 'cnn6', 'cnn8', 'glove'], 100),
                   'roi': np.random.choice(['LOC', 'FFA'], 100),
                   'alpha': np.random.choice(['normal_space', 0.4], 100),
                   'acc': 1 - np.random.rand(100) ** 2})
df['feat'] = pd.Categorical(df['feat'])
df['roi'] = pd.Categorical(df['roi'])
df['alpha'] = pd.Categorical(df['alpha'])

g = sns.catplot(x="feat", y="acc", col="roi", hue="alpha", palette=['crimson', 'limegreen'],
                alpha=0.9, data=df, kind="bar")
g.map_dataframe(sns.stripplot, x="feat", y="acc", hue="alpha", palette=['cornflowerblue', 'yellow'],
                edgecolor="black", linewidth=.75, dodge=True)
g.set(xlabel='')  # remove the xlabels if they are already clear from the xticks
g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)  # need extra space for the overall title
g.fig.suptitle("perception, scene wise correlation")

将 barplot 的 facetgrid 与 stripplot 相结合

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