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[英]C++, child with both parents having a same ancestor

I'm having trouble with C++ classes and inheritance right now...我现在遇到 C++ 类和 inheritance 的问题...

Let's say we have假设我们有

Class A {
A(string name);
    void func(void);
Class B : public A {
    B(string name);
Class C : public A {
    C(string name);
Class D : public B, public D {
    D(string name);

Whenever I create D , it calls the constructor for B and the one for C which results in multiple instances of A .每当我创建D时,它都会调用B的构造函数和C的构造函数,这会导致A的多个实例。 The compiler then says it doesn't know which "func" it should call, the one from B or the one from C .然后编译器说它不知道应该调用哪个“函数”,是来自B的那个还是来自C的那个。

I would like to know how to call A constructor ONLY ONCE and then use it to build B and C .我想知道如何只调用A构造函数一次,然后用它来构建BC

I already tried using B::func() to be able to call func() but has I must have a cout in the class A builder.我已经尝试使用B::func()来调用func()但我必须在 class A 构建器中有一个 cout。 It results in wrong output.结果是错误的 output。

This is called the diamond inheritance pattern .这称为菱形 inheritance 图案
In order to avoid having 2 instances of A in D , you need to use virtual inheritance .为了避免AD中有 2 个实例,您需要使用虚拟 inheritance
When classes eg B virtually inherit A , it means that A will be present only once in a class derived from those classes.B等类实际上继承A时,这意味着A将仅在从这些类派生的 class 中出现一次。
Note: in this case it is the responsibility of the most derived class to initialize the virtual base(s) - as shown below.注意:在这种情况下,最派生的 class 负责初始化虚拟基础 - 如下所示。

The output from the following code demonstrates it:以下代码中的 output 对其进行了演示:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class A {
    A(std::string const & name) { std::cout << "A::A\n"; };
    ~A() {};
    void func(void);
class B : virtual public A {
    B(std::string const& name) : A(name) { std::cout << "B::B\n"; };
    ~B() {};
class C : virtual public A {
    C(std::string const& name) : A(name) { std::cout << "C::C\n"; };
    ~C() {};
class D : public B, public C {
    D(std::string const& name) : A(name), B(name), C(name) { std::cout << "D::D\n"; };
    ~D() {};

int main()
    D d("aaa");

Output: Output:


Ie A is present once in D .AD中出现一次。

Note that if you remove the virtual keyword, the output will be:请注意,如果您删除virtual关键字,则 output 将是:


Ie A is present twice in D (as you observed).AD中出现两次(如您所见)。

Some side notes:一些旁注:

  1. Better to avoid using namespace std - see here Why is "using namespace std;"最好避免using namespace std - 请参阅此处为什么“使用命名空间标准;” considered bad practice? 被认为是不好的做法? . .
  2. Your code contains many typos: Class should be class , missing ;您的代码包含许多拼写错误: Class应该是class ,缺少; at the end of classes.在课程结束时。
  3. You constructors can accept the name by const & as demonstrated in my code, to avoid copy.您的构造函数可以通过const &接受name ,如我的代码中所示,以避免复制。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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