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安装 Dropbox 升级后 MacOS 命令 shell 出现问题

[英]Problems with MacOS command shell after installing Dropbox upgrade

Recently I installed a Dropbox update on a Mac M1 mini (Monterey) which changed the Dropbox folder from a simple folder to a "Location" in the Finder.最近我在 Mac M1 mini (Monterey) 上安装了 Dropbox 更新,将 Dropbox 文件夹从一个简单的文件夹更改为 Finder 中的“位置”。 I found the new path name, which is in my home directory under Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox.我找到了新的路径名,它位于我的主目录下的 Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox 下。

I was reminded that it's possible to drag an object from the Finder into the Terminal app, but only if you use the whole pathname.有人提醒我,可以将 object 从 Finder 拖到终端应用程序中,但前提是您使用整个路径名。 If you try to 'cd' down one directory at a time, you get a permission error when the working directory is Dropbox.如果您尝试一次“cd”一个目录,当工作目录是 Dropbox 时,您会收到权限错误。

joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini / % cd /Users
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini /Users % cd joecascio 
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini ~ % cd Library 
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini Library % cd CloudStorage 
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini CloudStorage % cd Dropbox 
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini Dropbox % ls
ls: .: Operation not permitted
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini Dropbox % pwd            

But if you just skip over trying to cd through the Dropbox folder, it works.但是,如果您只是跳过尝试通过 Dropbox 文件夹进行 cd 操作,它就可以工作。

joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini Dropbox % cd /
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini / % cd Users/joecascio/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/projects/COVID-19
joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini COVID-19 % ls
CLL-COVID-action-plan       ct-towns
COVID-19_Town_Level_Data.csv    ct.numbers
Stonington.numbers      new-london-ct.numbers
covid-19-data-master        state-county-bustout.py
ct-town-bustout copy.py     state-county-recent-bustout.py
ct-town-bustout-old.py      states

It's probably something to do with permissions, but I can't figure what because the permissions on the Dropbox folder are as follows.这可能与权限有关,但我无法弄清楚是什么,因为Dropbox文件夹的权限如下。

joecascio@Josephs-Mac-mini CloudStorage % sudo ls -la              
total 24
drwxr-xr-x    4 joecascio  staff   128 Jan 22 20:47 .
drwx------@ 102 joecascio  staff  3264 Jun  2  2022 ..
-rw-r--r--@   1 joecascio  staff  8196 Jan 24 14:22 .DS_Store
drwx------@  66 joecascio  staff  2112 Jan 24 06:02 Dropbox

Any ideas would be welcome, esp from Dropbox support.欢迎任何想法,尤其是来自 Dropbox 支持的想法。

You can drag path from finder to terminal.您可以将路径从查找器拖到终端。

Drag path to iTerm拖拽路径到 iTerm

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