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如何根据 substring 行名匹配合并二进制矩阵的行?

[英]How to merge rows of binary matrix based on substring rowname matches?

If the rownames of the binary matrix match before the 4th .如果二进制矩阵的行名在第 4 个之前匹配. delimiter, merge the two rows, where if either row as 1 , the column value will be 1 .分隔符,合并两行,其中如果任何一行为1 ,则列值将为1 Also, remove everything after the 4th .另外,删除 4th 之后的所有内容. delimiter in the rownames.行名中的分隔符。

Sample Data:样本数据:

structure(list(DNMT3A = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), IGF2R = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 
    NBEA = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), ITGB5 = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), row.names = c("TCGA.2Z.A9J1.01A.11D.A382.10", 
"TCGA.B9.A5W9.01A.11D.A28G.10", "TCGA.2Z.A9JM.01A.13D.A44J.12", "TCGA.GL.A59R.01A.11D.A26P.10", 
"TCGA.2Z.A9JM.01A.12D.A42J.10"), class = "data.frame")

Desired output:所需的 output:

structure(list(DNMT3A = c(1, 0, 0, 0), IGF2R = c(1, 0, 1, 0), 
    NBEA = c(1, 0, 1, 0), ITGB5 = c(0, 1, 0, 0)), row.names = c("TCGA.2Z.A9J1.01A", 
"TCGA.B9.A5W9.01A", "TCGA.2Z.A9JM.01A", "TCGA.GL.A59R.01A"), class = "data.frame")

Try this:尝试这个:

split(dat1, substring(rownames(dat1), 1, 16)) |>
  lapply(function(z) if (nrow(z) == 1) z else t(apply(z, 2, function(z) +any(z > 0)))) |>
  do.call(rbind, args = _)
#                  DNMT3A IGF2R NBEA ITGB5
# TCGA.2Z.A9J1.01A      1     1    1     0
# TCGA.2Z.A9JM.01A      0     1    1     0
# TCGA.B9.A5W9.01A      0     0    0     1
# TCGA.GL.A59R.01A      0     0    0     0

Note that the use of args=_ with |> requires R-4.2.0.请注意,将args=_|>一起使用需要 R-4.2.0。 Without that, one can use any of the following for the last line in the code block:如果没有它,可以在代码块的最后一行使用以下任何一种:

... %>% do.call(rbind, .)
... |> (function(z) do.call(rbind, z))()

I'm naively assuming that all rownames have exactly the same number of characters in each .我天真地假设所有行名在每个. -delimited substring; -分隔 substring; you may need to adapt the substring(...) if that assumption is not true.如果该假设不正确,您可能需要调整substring(...)

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