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Razor 无法识别 asp- 标签助手

[英]Razor asp- tag helper is not recognized

I have following HTML code我有以下 HTML 代码

<a asp-action="index">Demo</a>

the asp tag is not recognized by Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio 2022 无法识别asp标记


and when I build and run the solution the asp tag is not translated into the html code当我构建并运行解决方案时, asp标记未转换为 html 代码


There are no warnings, errors or JavaScript errors.没有警告、错误或 JavaScript 错误。

I copied the Views folder from .NET Core 2.1 MVC into the .NET 6 Core MVC project.我将Views文件夹从.NET Core 2.1 MVC复制到.NET 6 Core MVC项目中。 The Index.cshtml file has BuildAction = Content property as other files in the View folder. Index.cshtml文件与View文件夹中的其他文件一样具有BuildAction = Content属性。

What might went wrong, why the tag helper is not translated?可能出了什么问题,为什么标签助手没有被翻译?


I finally figured it out.我终于弄明白了。 The reason was that I had file ViewImports.cshtml but it should be named _ViewImports.cshtml .原因是我有文件ViewImports.cshtml但它应该命名为_ViewImports.cshtml I don't know how that happened, but in this discussion https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f9d42158-3bb6-490c-a59f-579eedeb060f/razor-not-rendering-tag-helper?forum=aspdo.netcore the another user had the same issue我不知道这是怎么发生的,但在这个讨论中https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f9d42158-3bb6-490c-a59f-579eedeb060f/razor-not-rendering-tag-helper ?forum=aspdo.netcore另一个用户有同样的问题

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