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正则表达式不匹配用 soup.get_text() 抓取的文本

[英]Regex not matching text scraped with soup.get_text()

The code below works until:下面的代码一直有效到:


This is the code:这是代码:

url = "https://nofluffjobs.com/pl/job/c-c-junior-software-developer-vesoftx-wroclaw-n6bgtv5f"
reqs = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(reqs.text, "html.parser")
salaries = soup.find_all("h4", class_="tw-mb-0")
markup2 = str(salaries[0])
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(str(salaries[0]), 'html.parser')

salary_range = soup2.get_text().strip()
print(salary_range) #output: "10 000  – 16 000  PLN"

# error on line below
bottom_salary = re.search(r"^(\d{0,2} ?\d{3})", salary_range).group(1)

bottom_salary_int = re.sub(" ", "", bottom_salary)

Why doesn't re.search() find any match?为什么re.search()找不到任何匹配项? I've tried many other regular expressions, but it never finds a match and I always get the error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'我尝试了许多其他正则表达式,但它从未找到匹配项,而且我总是收到错误AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

The issue is that the character you think is a space is not actually a space, it is a non-breaking space .问题是您认为是空格的字符实际上不是空格,而是不间断的空格 Despite looking the same, they are completely different characters.尽管看起来一样,但它们是完全不同的角色。 It has the same function of a regular space, but it doesn't count for line wrapping purposes.它具有相同的 function 常规空间,但不计入换行目的。 See this small diagram:看这个小图:

10 000  – 16 000  PLN
  ^   ^^
 NBSP SP  ... same deal here 

To match the non-breaking space instead, specify its hex value, 0xA0 .要改为匹配不间断空格,请指定其十六进制值0xA0 Like this:像这样:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import requests

url = "https://nofluffjobs.com/pl/job/c-c-junior-software-developer-vesoftx-wroclaw-n6bgtv5f"
reqs = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(reqs.text, "html.parser")
salaries = soup.find_all("h4", class_="tw-mb-0")
markup2 = str(salaries[0])
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(str(salaries[0]), 'html.parser')

salary_range = soup2.get_text().strip()

bottom_salary = re.search(r"^(\d{0,2}\xa0?\d{3})", salary_range).group(1)

bottom_salary_int = re.sub(" ", "", bottom_salary)

If you're trying to match a space, but the regular space character doesn't match, then it might be a NBSP instead.如果您尝试匹配空格,但常规空格字符不匹配,则它可能是 NBSP。 You can also tell by the website's source code if it uses  您还可以通过网站的源代码来判断它是否使用  instead of a regular space to encode a NBSP.而不是常规空间来编码 NBSP。

Just in addition, if you prefer a less explicit definition of a character ( non-breaking space ), simply change the pattern to (\d+.\d+) or (\d+\s\d+) to get your group, also ^ is not needed in this specific case:另外,如果您更喜欢不太明确的字符定义(不间断空格),只需将模式更改为(\d+.\d+)(\d+\s\d+)即可获得您的组, ^也是在这种特定情况下不需要:

. Matches any character.匹配任何字符。

re.search(r"(\d+.\d+)", e.get_text()).group(1)

\s Matches any space, tab or newline character. \s匹配任何空格、制表符或换行符。

re.search(r"(\d+\s\d+)", e.get_text()).group(1)

To fix the spacing simply split() and join() :要修复间距,只需split()join()

''.join(re.search(r"(\d+.\d+)", e.get_text()).group(1).split())


import requests, re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https://nofluffjobs.com/pl/job/c-c-junior-software-developer-vesoftx-wroclaw-n6bgtv5f"
reqs = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(reqs.content)
for e in soup.find_all("h4", class_="tw-mb-0"):
    print(''.join(re.search(r"(\d+.\d+)", e.get_text()).group(1).split()))

Output Output


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