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带有显式类型转换的 Postgres timezone_minute function

[英]Postgres timezone_minute function with explicit type casts

I have two columns, date and time , both strings.我有两列, datetime ,都是字符串。 I can concatenate them to get a column timestamp .我可以将它们连接起来以获得列timestamp

I need to use the timezone_minute() function .我需要使用timezone_minute() function I have tried various formats for the parameter, but have repeatedly faced the error我尝试了各种格式的参数,但多次遇到错误

Query 1 ERROR: ERROR:  function timezone_minute(timestamp without time zone) does not exist
LINE 1: select timezone_minute('2023-01-25T05:36:48Z'::date AT TIME ...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

For example例如

-- function timezone_minute(timestamp without time zone) does not exist
select timezone_minute('2023-01-25T05:36:48Z'::date AT TIME ZONE 'UTC');
-- function timezone_minute(timestamp with time zone) does not exist
select timezone_minute('2023-01-25T05:36:48Z'::date AT TIME ZONE 'UTC');

select timezone_minute('2023-01-25T05:36:48Z'::timestamptz);
select timezone_minute(cast('2023-01-25T05:36:48Z' as TIMESTAMP));

-- etc

How do I correctly utilise timezone_minute - the documentation is severely lacking for this particular function, unfortunately.我如何正确使用 timezone_minute - 不幸的是,这个特定的 function 严重缺乏文档。

I don't fully control the final query, hence the need to use this function. The generated query utilises timezone_minute(), I can essentially set the argument. 我不能完全控制最终查询,因此需要使用这个 function。生成的查询使用 timezone_minute(),我基本上可以设置参数。

the documentation is severely lacking for this particular function, unfortunately.不幸的是,严重缺乏这个特定的 function 的文档。

Yes, because it's not a function.是的,因为它不是 function。

It is an argument to the extract() function :它是extract() function的参数:

select extract(timezone_minute from '2023-01-25T05:36:48Z'::timestamptz);


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