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SQL 错误 [58030]:错误:查询因永久块读取失败而中止

[英]SQL Error [58030]: ERROR: Query aborted due to read failure on a perm block

We have created datashare (environments) in redshift where we are binding 1 table from environment A named tableA to environment B named tableB .我们在 redshift 中创建了数据共享(环境),我们将 1 个表从名为tableAenvironment A绑定到名为tableBenvironment B

We access both tables from environment A .我们从environment A访问这两个表。 We were able to access these both tables for few weeks but from yesterday we are getting following error which does not have any info available on web.我们能够在几周内访问这两个表,但从昨天开始我们收到以下错误,该错误在 web 上没有任何可用信息。

SQL Error [58030]: ERROR: Query aborted due to read failure on a perm block. Hint: Please try again.

We can access tableB from environmentB (datashare) but only getting this when we try to access tableB from environment A (datashare A) .我们可以从environmentB (datashare)访问tableB但只有当我们尝试从environment A (datashare A)访问tableB时才会得到这个。 Dropping bidning and recreating these tables and again linking these 2 tables solves the issue for some time where we can access the tables from both datashares .删除出价并重新创建这些表并再次链接这 2 个表解决了我们可以从两个datashares访问表的问题一段时间。 But error again comes back after some time.但是一段时间后错误又回来了。 Does anyone know why this issue is arising?`有谁知道为什么会出现这个问题?`

We recreated the tables and binding between these 2 tables in redshift, it worked for some time, but issue repeats我们在 redshift 中重新创建了这两个表之间的表和绑定,它工作了一段时间,但问题重复

we had the same problem recently.我们最近遇到了同样的问题。 In our case, restoring the datashare did not solve the problem.在我们的案例中,恢复数据共享并没有解决问题。 Instead, recreating the referenced table solved the problem.相反,重新创建引用表解决了问题。


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