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[英]Is there a project that uses two different token burning methods at the same time?

I'm wondering if it is positive or negative to use the "token burning function" (this decreases the total supply) AND sending tokens to the burning address (this decreases the circulating supply)?我想知道使用“令牌销毁功能”(这会减少总供应量)并将令牌发送到销毁地址(这会减少循环供应量)是积极的还是消极的?

Does a project that uses both methods exist?是否存在同时使用这两种方法的项目?

I have did quite a research, but haven't find anything meaningful so far.我做了很多研究,但到目前为止还没有发现任何有意义的东西。

Sending tokens to an unused address, like the address zero, is a method to burn tokens when the smart contract does not implement a token-burning mechanism.当智能合约没有实现代币销毁机制时,将代币发送到未使用的地址,如地址零,是一种销毁代币的方法。 You can throw tokens away and consider them burned.您可以扔掉代币并认为它们已被烧毁。 But of course, decreasing the total supply would be cleaner than throwing tokens away like this, instead.但是,当然,减少总供应量比像这样扔掉代币更清洁。 So if you are developing the contract, I recommend you implement a burning mechanism that decreases total supply.因此,如果您正在开发合约,我建议您实施一种减少总供应量的销毁机制。 This way you can track how many tokens are out there, easily.通过这种方式,您可以轻松跟踪那里有多少代币。

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