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'ValuesViewHDF5' object 没有属性 'attrs'

[英]'ValuesViewHDF5' object has no attribute 'attrs'

f = h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'r')
trial = f.values() #_._next_() #.next()
equilibrate = trial.attrs['equilibrate'] 

this synatax gives me error: 'ValuesViewHDF5' object has no attribute 'attrs'.这个语法给我错误:“ValuesViewHDF5”object 没有属性“attrs”。 Does anyone know why I get this error?有谁知道我为什么会收到此错误?

I tried to search if the syntax for the new h5py has changed but couldn't find anything relevant.我试图搜索新 h5py 的语法是否已更改但找不到任何相关内容。 Maybe it is a problem related to incpomatibilities between python2.x and python3.x也许这是与 python2.x 和 python3.x 之间的 incpomatibilities 有关的问题

If you want to get the equilibrate attribute on the file object, you need to use this line:如果你想获取文件 object 上的equilibrate属性,你需要使用这一行:
equilibrate = f.attrs['equilibrate']

However as @hpaulj mentioned, you need to confirm the equilibrate attribute exists.但是正如@hpaulj 提到的,您需要确认equilibrate属性存在。 You can access and print all attributes at the file level with this code:您可以使用以下代码在文件级别访问和打印所有属性:

with h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'r') as f:   
    for k in f.attrs.keys():
        print(f"{k} => {f.attrs[k]}")

Complete details about creating and reading attributes with h5py are available in this answer to a similar question: How to read HDF5 attributes (metadata) with Python and h5py有关使用 h5py 创建和读取属性的完整详细信息,请参阅类似问题的答案: How to read HDF5 attributes (metadata) with Python and h5py

BTW, why are you using f.values() ?顺便说一句,你为什么要使用f.values() It does NOT return the file object. If you inspect the returned object, you will find it has the objects from the referenced group (eg, Group and Dataset objects for f , the file object).它不返回文件 object。如果您检查返回的 object,您会发现它具有引用组中的对象(例如,文件对象f的组和数据集对象)。 Repeating what @hpaulj said, h5py uses dictionary syntax to access group and dataset names and/or objects (but they are not dictionaries.).重复@hpaulj 所说的, h5py使用字典语法来访问组和数据集名称和/或对象(但它们不是字典。)。 The keys are the object names and the values are the objects: Here is a simple example showing how the dictionary syntax behaves:键是 object 名称,值是对象:这是一个简单的示例,显示字典语法的行为方式:

with h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'r') as f:   
    for k in f:  # get the keys, eg the object names
        print(f"Object name: {k}")
    for k in f.keys():  # same as example above
        print(f"Object name: {k}")
    for v in f.values(): # get the values, eg the objects
        print(f"Object: {v}; name: {v.name}")
    for k,v in f.items():  # get the keys and values
        print(f"Object name: {k}; Object: {v}")

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