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[英]promote replica to primary with cluster mode enabled

is there a way to promote a replica node to primary with cluster mode enabled?有没有办法在启用集群模式的情况下将副本节点提升为主节点? I have googled but only found solution with cluster mode disabled.我用谷歌搜索但只找到禁用集群模式的解决方案。

You can send CLUSTER FAILOVER command to the replica to promote it to be a new master.您可以向副本发送CLUSTER FAILOVER命令以将其提升为新的主服务器。 However, you must ensure that the replica has already been known by majority of the masters in the cluster.但是,您必须确保副本已被集群中的大多数主节点所知。

Check the doc on manually failover for detail.有关详细信息,请查看有关手动故障转移的文档。


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