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Flutter Class 继承

[英]Flutter Class inherence

I'm having problems with super and sub classses contructors.我在使用超级类和子类构造函数时遇到问题。 I have a set of variables declared in the super class, and I call super on my subclasses, but then I cannot acess the superclass variables through the sub-classes.我在 super class 中声明了一组变量,我在我的子类上调用了 super,但是我无法通过子类访问超类变量。

As shown below, in my fromJson method, I cannot acess the userRating field in TennisAttributes.如下所示,在我的 fromJson 方法中,我无法访问 TennisAttributes 中的 userRating 字段。

abstract class UserSportAttributes {
  int selfRating;
  int userRating;
  String description;
  int gamesPlayed;

    required this.selfRating,
    required this.description,
    this.gamesPlayed = 0,
    this.userRating = 0,

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'SelfRating': selfRating,
        'UserRating': userRating,
        'Description': description,

  static fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, String sportName) {
    if (sportName == "Tennis") {
      return TennisAttributes(
          selfRating: json['SelfRating'],
          userRating: json['UserRating'], //error
          description: json['Description']);


class TennisAttributes extends UserSportAttributes {
  TennisAttributes({required int selfRating, required String description})
      : super(selfRating: selfRating, description: description);

You need to have TennisAttributes constructor property, like您需要具有TennisAttributes构造函数属性,例如

class TennisAttributes extends UserSportAttributes {
    required int selfRating,
    required String description,
    required int userRating, //this one

You can also do你也可以这样做

class TennisAttributes extends UserSportAttributes {
    required super.selfRating,
    required super.description,
    required super.userRating,

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