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Kube.netes pod 副本 CPU 使用率高

[英]Kubernetes pods replica CPU usage is high

We have microservices running AWS EKS cluster and many of the microservices having more than 10 pod replicas, for monitoring we are using grafana.我们有运行 AWS EKS 集群的微服务,许多微服务有超过 10 个 pod 副本,我们使用 grafana 进行监控。 unfortunately some of the pods in same microsevices are showing very high CPU usage say 80% and some are lke 0.35%.不幸的是,相同微服务中的一些 pod 显示出非常高的 CPU 使用率,比如 80%,而有些则只有 0.35%。 we have understanding like kube.netes will do the load balancing equally to distribute load.我们了解 kube.netes 将平等地进行负载平衡以分配负载。 What we are missing here.?我们在这里缺少什么。?

How traffic is distributed from outside the cluster to your pods depends on the Load Balancer Controller, eg AWS Load Balancer Controller .流量如何从集群外部分配到您的 pod 取决于 Load Balancer Controller,例如AWS Load Balancer Controller

But the Load Balancer Controller typically does not take CPU usage in consideration, it only spreads traffic evenly to your replicas.但是负载均衡器 Controller 通常不会考虑 CPU 使用率,它只会将流量均匀地分配到您的副本。

Typically, CPU load depends heavily on what your replicas are doing, eg some paths may use more CPU and some other HTTP paths is easier to handle.通常,CPU 负载在很大程度上取决于您的副本正在做什么,例如,某些路径可能使用更多 CPU,而其他一些 HTTP 路径更容易处理。 You need more insight to decide what to do, eg add some caching.您需要更多洞察力来决定要做什么,例如添加一些缓存。

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