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Excel - 如果特定单元格与上面的单元格不同,如何突出显示整行?

[英]Excel - How to highlight entire row if a specific cell is different from the cell above?

I am trying to apply conditional formatting in excel in which each first occurrence in a column has a highlight on the entire row.我正在尝试在 excel 中应用条件格式,其中列中的每个第一次出现都在整行上突出显示。 The desired result is as follows:期望的结果如下:

A一种 B
2 2个
2 2个
8 8个 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行
5 5个 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行
5 5个
7 7 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行

I currently have the formula "A3<>A2", but that highlight the last occurrence instead of the first.我目前有公式“A3<>A2”,但它突出显示了最后一次出现而不是第一次出现。 I don't know how to apply the highlight to all cells on the same row.我不知道如何将突出显示应用于同一行上的所有单元格。

UPDATE: Apparently excel behaves differently for text and numeric values.更新:显然 excel 对于文本和数值的行为不同。 My data looks like this:我的数据如下所示:

A一种 B
Banana香蕉 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行
Kiwi猕猴桃 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行
Apple苹果 Highlight this entire row突出显示这一整行

Conditional Formatting - Entire Row For First Occurrence in Column条件格式 - 列中首次出现的整行

  • The issue you are facing is that you have selected eg the range 2:10 (focus on 2 ) and eg you are applying the corrected ( $ ) formula =$A3<>$A2 which does what is expected: it highlights the last occurrence in a group ie if the value of the next row ( 3 ) is different than the value of the current row ( 2 ) then highlight row 2 .您面临的问题是您选择了例如范围2:10 (专注于2 )并且例如您正在应用更正的( $ )公式=$A3<>$A2它会执行预期的操作:它突出显示最后一次出现在一个组中,即如果下一行 ( 3 ) 的值与当前行 ( 2 ) 的值不同,则突出显示第2行。
  • To highlight the first occurrence in a group, you need =$A2<>$A1 as correctly posted by user11222393 since the first row you selected is row 2 ie if the value of the previous row ( 1 ) is different than the value of the current row ( 2 ) then highlight row 2 .要突出显示组中的第一次出现,您需要=$A2<>$A1user11222393正确发布,因为您选择的第一行是第2行,即如果一行 ( 1 ) 的值不同于当前行 ( 2 ) 然后突出显示行2
  • My solution will work similarly if the data is sorted.如果数据已排序,我的解决方案将以类似方式工作。 It will not highlight the first row of repeating groups though, as illustrated in the screenshot below.不过,它不会突出显示重复组的第一行,如下面的屏幕截图所示。
  • You will notice the difference between the solutions best by sorting the data in another column.通过对另一列中的数据进行排序,您将最能注意到解决方案之间的差异。 Mine should have fewer highlighted rows.我的突出显示的行应该更少。


  • Select the entire rows of the range and goto Home -> Conditional Formatting -> New Rule -> Use formula... (you know the drill) and eg use Select 范围内的整行,然后转到Home -> Conditional Formatting -> New Rule -> Use formula... (您知道这个技巧),例如使用


    for the first row being row 2.第一行是第 2 行。



Take a look at $ symbols.看看$符号。 If you don't use it it will highlight only 1 cell, because it will compare A2 to A1 , B2 to B1 and so on.如果您不使用它,它只会突出显示 1 个单元格,因为它会将A2A1B2B1进行比较,依此类推。




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