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Laravel 9 使用 controller MVC 更新表单值

[英]Laravel 9 Update Form Values with controller MVC

I want to update my input values in the form in my database by sending them from the route to the controller. What am I doing wrong?我想通过将它们从路由发送到 controller 来更新我数据库中表单中的输入值。我做错了什么? Can you help me?你能帮助我吗? I tried the @method('PUT') method before.我之前尝试过 @method('PUT') 方法。 It's a bit confusing.这有点令人困惑。 I am sharing the codes.我正在分享代码。 I will be very happy if you can help, thank you.如果您能提供帮助,我将非常高兴,谢谢。

... ...

 <div class="modal-body">

                                                    <div class="form-group text-center"
                                                        style="position: center; margin-top:3em;">

                                                        <form action="{{ 'edit-name/' . $user->id }}" method="POST"

                                                            <label for="fname">
                                                                {{ __('welcome.fullname') }}:</label>
                                                            <input name="name1" type="hidden"
                                                                placeholder="{{ $user->name }}">



                                                    {{-- //Name Edit Button --}}

                                                    <button type="submit"
                                                        class="btn-sm app-btn-secondary">{{ __('welcome.confirm') }}</button>

... ...

my route and controller我的路线和 controller

... ...

Route::get('edit-name/{id}', [HomeController::class, 'editname']);

... ...

... ...

  public function editname(Request $request, $id){
        $user= Auth::user();
        $isUpdateSuccess = User::where('id', $id) ->update(['name1'=>$name,   ]);

 echo '<h1>Update Success</h1>';
        else echo '<h1>Update Failed </h1>';


... ...

you are sending the data from modal using POST method but in your route you are using this data by GET method .您正在使用POST 方法从模态发送数据,但在您的路线中您正在通过GET 方法使用此数据。 I will suggest you to use POST method so that user_id will not be append in URL , so try this,我会建议你使用POST方法,这样 user_id 就不会是 URL 中的append ,所以试试这个,

Your blade你的刀片

<div class="modal-body">

<div class="form-group text-center" style="position: center; margin-top:3em;">

<form action="{{ 'edit-name' }}" method="POST"                                                    enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input type="hidden" name="id" placeholder="{{ $user->id }}">
   <label for="fname">
   {{ __('welcome.fullname') }}:</label>
      <input name="name1" type="text" placeholder="{{ $user->name }}">



{{-- //Name Edit Button --}}

<button type="submit" class="btn-sm app-btn-secondary">{{__('welcome.confirm') }}</button>

Your route你的路线

Route::post('/edit-name', [HomeController::class, 'editname']);

Your controller你的 controller

 public function editname(Request $request){
         // dd(1);
        $user= Auth::user();
        // dd($user);
        $isUpdateSuccess = User::where('id', $id) ->update(['name1'=>$name,   ]);

 echo '<h1>Update Success</h1>';
        else echo '<h1>Update Failed </h1>';


Change action改变行动


action="{{ 'edit-name/'. $user->id }}" action="{{ 'edit-name/'. $user->id }}"


action="{{ url('edit-name',$user->id) }}" action="{{ url('edit-name',$user->id) }}"

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