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如何从 class object 中的数组调用名称位置?

[英]How can I call name places from an array in a class object?

How would I connect an array in a header file to a class to print a name from the array?我如何将 header 文件中的数组连接到 class 以打印数组中的名称?

I have something like the following.我有类似以下内容。 I want to use the array from the header file to pick which name to print, so 1 would be Jill.我想使用 header 文件中的数组来选择要打印的名称,因此 1 就是 Jill。 Instead of typing Obj.setFirst_name("Jill") I want to type Obj.setFirst_name(1) , how would I do that?而不是键入Obj.setFirst_name("Jill")我想键入Obj.setFirst_name(1) ,我该怎么做?


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Thing{
    string first_name;

    setFirst_name(string First){
        First_name = First;

    string getFirst_name(){
        return First_name;

int main() {
    Thing Obj;
    cout << Obj.getFirst_name(1) << endl;

header header

string First [2] = {"Jack","Jill"};

I have tried different variations of the getters and setters.我尝试了 getter 和 setter 的不同变体。

Just do做就是了

Thing Obj;
cout << Obj.getFirst_name() << endl;

BTW: their is no relationship between the function arg called First and the global array called First.顺便说一句:它们在名为 First 的 function arg 和名为 First 的全局数组之间没有关系。 Apart from the fact that the argument hides the global inside that set function除了这个论点隐藏了集合 function 的全局这一事实


or do this或者这样做

 class Thing{


    string first_name;

    setFirst_name(int idx){
       First_name = First[idx];

     string getFirst_name(){
      return First_name;



now this works现在这有效

 Obj.setFirst_name(1) ;

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