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错误 TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性(读取“值”)<vm> :7:9 在 (<vm boundary> ), HookDeck</vm></vm>

[英]ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value') at <VM>:7:9 at (<VM boundary>), HookDeck

I tried to use HookDeck as my webhook for trying WhatsApp Cloud Api. There is an error in my code for my webhook using HookDeck, for some reason it can't read the content of my nested jason.我尝试使用 HookDeck 作为我的 webhook 来尝试 WhatsApp Cloud Api。我使用 HookDeck 的 webhook 代码中有一个错误,由于某种原因它无法读取我嵌套的 jason 的内容。

Here some screenshot:这里有一些截图: 在此处输入图像描述

From the image (left) there should be a value field inside changes, but some reason won't get detected when I ran the code.从图像(左)来看,变化中应该有一个值字段,但是当我运行代码时,某些原因不会被检测到。

I'm a newbie about webhook and this is for learning WhatsApp Cloud API and want to create webhook on my own without using webhook provided by the documentation.我是 webhook 的新手,这是为了学习 WhatsApp Cloud API 并且想在不使用文档提供的 webhook 的情况下自己创建 webhook。 Thanks emphasized text感谢强调文本

I don't think HookDeck can do things I want to do and there is not enough information/documentation about this.我不认为 HookDeck 可以做我想做的事情,而且没有足够的信息/文档。 I'll reconsider using another or create my own webhook.我会重新考虑使用另一个或创建我自己的 webhook。


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